Cape’s in the Cleaners

I didn’t wear my cape today, so that meant that I  wouldn’t take on the world’s problems, my friends’ drama, my coworkers’ mishaps, or the traffic’s mishaps.

This helped my Monday start out great and escalate to marvelous.
Everyday is not about being the superShero who saves the day. Today was the day that I sit in the cube, sip my tea, and perform the mundane tasks of a Monday.
I didn’t respond to any personal phone calls, texts, or emails decorated so colorfully with drama.
I may didn’t save any lives today, but I sure revived my own!

Have an awesome week because I sure will!

Light up the Night

Last night I did it!
It was just what I needed, and it felt wonderful!
I wasn’t sure if I did it right, but I stuck with it and kept going.  Even my husband thought I did a great job

Last night, I lit my smudging stick and sat on the deck to let the fresh air fill me with life. My breaths were short at first, but then they became a deeper and smoother.  I felt my energy being renewed.

Sometimes we believe that we need to go outside of self to reach a place of calm. The truth is, calm is always within us if we just take a minute to realize it.

Check your breathing as you go about your activities today.  Make sure that you are inhaling as much as your lungs can hold and you’re exhaling all that you want released. 

Happy Saturday!

Personal Brand Inventory

Once again, we’re coming to the end of another calendar year. And if you’re like me, it’s time to take inventory as you work on your personal brand.
Look at what you’re allowing to attach to your brand. Look at what type of product (outcome or output) your brand is producing.  Look and listen to the words your brand reports and repeat.
You can’t sell this brand.
Stop placing your brand on sale.
Don’t waste another day! 
My personal brand is not brand new; however, there’s newness to my personal brand.

No Future in the Past

Why do we continue to live in the past?

Of course, there are lessons we must learn, but not every event of the past has a place in our future plans.  Not every person has a place in our future plans. So right now, in the present, it’s time to decide what will and what won’t make it to the next level.

Take 10 deep breaths. Inhale what you’re embracing; exhale what has expired.

Time to leave the past right here in the presence of my future.

Open a Window and Live Life

The worse place a person can live is inside the mind. It’s smaller than an efficiency apartment. It is very closed.

However, the greatest difference between living in your mind and an efficiency apartment: you have room to grow!

Don’t be afraid to let your neighbor, the heart, rule over what’s going on in your “building”.

Open the “window”. Let in the light. Let in the love. And let the living begin.

Eyes of a Child

Life: A Story, not a Fairytale

It’s a story.
It’s the story of your life, and it’s neither read nor written overnight. 
Sometimes it will be quick and interesting; and sometimes it will hit a stalemate.  That’s okay.
You keep living your life and writing the pages of your story.
Just don’t forget to turn the page to continue.