Keep IT Moving

“Today I am going to live my life like nobody is watching”

That statement was taken from the book Until Today  by Dr. Iyanla Vanzant.

People are watching. People are staring. People are talking.  Some in admiration. Some in astonishment.  And they are all asking the same question, “How, Sway???”

So many in my circle are moving and shaking and calibrating to get to the next level. I love it!  Even the smallest step is a big step towards where you want to be. Keep pushing forward. Refer back to the lessons of the past if need be, but don’t retake the course.

Keep rising. Keep shining. Keep aspiring.

I see you and I love it!



Vibration Protection 

With the “hustle ” of the many celebrations of different lifestyles beginning this month,  do not let your guard down.  Protect your peace and happiness as though your life depends on it.  

And actually it is. 

This time of year,  many people decide to express their l.o.v.e. by purchasing sentimenal items to remind others they are loved.  Some volunteer to show their appreciation.  Some give time. 

Just know that to keep yourselves from being lost,  feeling stressed,  or becoming emotionally unbalanced,  you  must must must remember to protect the most precious gift of all:  the center of self! 

Peace and Light 

Just Last Week- nothing specific

I do now understand what they mean when they say, “It’s not drinking alone if your dog’s home.”  Excuse me while I pop open this  bottle of wine…

Now where were we? Ahhh, yes. Now I remember.

I have completed my first week in my new career, and I cannot tell you the peace and confidence that I have being there. I thought it would be hard to transition, but it wasn’t at all.  Actually, the only thing that I miss about my old career are the people I sat close to.  But that’s about it.

This is what I have been wanting:  to learn a new product and its origin so we can make it work for our company. I actually have a voice here, and it doesn’t have to be boisterous and obnoxious. It doesn’t have to be degrading and culture-defining to be accepted. Here, I am me, Deex2 (well, actually, I make them call my by my real name, no nickname). I have already be assured that my presence is valued here. That’s something that I never heard in my 8.5 years in my last position.

I wasn’t sure what was about to happen to me, but I could feel something what definitely shifting in my world. Since January, I began to prepare, plan, and position myself for what I believe was destined to happen. All I had to do was work my faith and believe that IT was happening for the greater good.


Begin Anew

What do you want me Deex2 to say? 

You want me to blame God or believe God is punishing us?  Nah,  because if the female had won,  then you would be praising GOD. 

You want me to blame the people who didn’t vote?  Nah,  because it’s their choice and I am pro-choice. I am only disappointed if they didn’t vote on the local level because the BIG House clearly falls at the hands of the electoral college.  

You want me to be afraid?  Nah,  because haven’t we experienced and observed bigotry and racism in the Oval Office before? Not sure;  ask an activist.  

You want me to make a make a joke about it?  Nah,  because just like domestic violence,  I try not to make a joke about serious situation that can affect the lives of so many people who are only trying to better themselves in a land built on, for,  and by voluntary AND involuntary immigration. 

You know what this tells me? 


You want to believe Love TRUMPS  hate… Lemme see you give back, get active, show support in your local area.  Lemme see you shop with small businesses.  Lemme see you speak out on acts of violence.  Lemme see you let go of those degrading reaLIEty shows.  Lemme see you report videos of violence on social media and cyber-bullying.  Lemme see you stand for the picture of the person being ridiculed and mocked because they don’t look or behave like you.  Lemme see you turn that negativity,  pisstivity,  and obtusity that burn so deep in your soul that you begin to set fire to the rain.  That you do something daily to make your life a light for all.  It’s not about being great.  It’s about being good stewards on the ‘ships you steer. 

You don’t have to take my word for it.  

Just follow my lead!  😘🐞

Revelations during Face Recognition 

 have learned to never count out an experience.. People are placed in your lives for a lesson,  good and bad. 

After being at his job for 3 years,  myJay was laid off.  It was just the push he needed to start looking for his career.  (Please know there is a difference between job and career. )  

Now let’s rewind… 

New Year’s 2014, we attended a coworker’s wedding.  When we left the reception,  we decided to go to have our first meal of the year at… WAFFLE HOUSE!  

Just as we were about to be seated,  in walks a 4-party. Since I wasn’t starving,  I told myJay to let them go ahead of us.  He was cool with it.  The waitress told them and they were very appreciative.  It was almost as though they couldn’t believe it.  It wasn’t even 3 minutes later that another table opened and we we’re told to take that one.  As we sat down,  one of the men came over to our table and thanked us.  And not only did he thank us,  he paid for our food.   Pretty amazing,  right?  

This weekend in 2k16, myJay keeps telling his supervisor he knows him but he can’t remember from where.  Well,  while they were headed back home from work,  they stop at… WAFFLE HOUSE  for breakfast and it hits him!  Yep!  His new boss of a career he loves is  actually the guy who paid for our food back in 2014 all because we let them grab the table that was supposed to be for us.

I remembered telling him that you never know how a small gesture could turn into one of the greatest forces! 

So on this Sunday,  I am here to remind you to never overlook an experience no matter how brief or insignificant it seems in that minute.  You are laying the foundation for your future 

Breaking Bad Barriers

Let’s go ahead and say it: Country has never been cute in the Black community.  I assume that’s why I was a bookworm.  I used to listen to country music at bedtime because my family would tease me. I’ve even dated outside my race quite a few times!  Country life has always made me feel my soul.  It was a nice escape from hard-core rap that I couldn’t listen to in my mama’s house if it had “cuss words” in it.  So yeah… Anyways… 

I loved the combination of Queens Beyonce and the Dixie Chicks!  There’s so much power in that performance.  It gave me the confirmation that you may not like me,  but I. AM. HERE.  (See what I did there?  😊)

It also confirmed that no one needs a label and placed in a pretty pink box with a bow!  Seasons change and so do people.  Love and live how you want so as long as you don’t invoke violence on l.i.f.e.

Today, I am thankful for barriers because they help me see what I can surpass next!. 

Boots up on a dusty road! 


Thankful- Day 2

It’s already day 2 of November and I am overfilled with joy and thankfulness. I’m thankful every day that I wake up, but recently, I’ve become thankful for things that others may overlook, kinda like a penny on the street.
TODAY, November 2, 2016, I am thankful for pissy-people!
Some folks would call them difficult, but I call them pissy because their whole aura STINKS! They are the ones who send off some of the strongest negative vibes. I mean the ones who complain their coffee is too hot, their ice tea is too cold, even their water is too wet. (Okay, maybe that’s pushing it, but you get my drift.). They can be neighbors, coworkers, bosses, family, friends, and even social-media posters.
People like this have been causing reactions in my life. They make me step back and do a self-inventory to see if I emit any radiation of negativity. They make me use my (not-so-really) 12-step program to help ameliorate the atmosphere around me. They make me decide if I need to pick up the thread & needle or pick up the scissors. There is a blessing and a lesson in every thing!
I am thankful that I have been able to re-direct my energy and pour into nouns that feel appreciative of what and how I do what I do. My prayer has been for me to be able to feel every experience, and it has manifested. And it feels good to not react to everything. I had to learn that not everyone and everything needs Deex2’s feedback.
Be filled with an attitude of gratitude for the small lessons you accomplish. They create a massive impact on your outcome and environment.