Peace of the Path

Life is an amazing adventure.  It is the one journey we all must take and laid out with several paths.
We lose so much in life, yet we continue to gain. We don’t know understand that things happen out of our control no matter how much we need to feel in charge!
I, too, have felt the fall of the Purple Rain’s reign, but I have to remember although it is part of my path,  it’s not my journey but his.
Peace and Love and Light!

Tears & Trials Turn Triumph

If someone told me 5 years ago that I would be sitting where I am now, I would not have believed. If someone told me 10 years ago that I would need to unlearn and let go of most things that I deemed so personal and perfect, I would not have believed them.

But here I am. Here I stand. Here I sit.

I was afraid to be different. I was scared to be rejected. I was afraid…for only a small portion of time.

When I stopped talking and started listening, I noticed I didn’t lose anything. I noticed that everything seemed more detailed, enriched, and finished. It was then that I begin to take note of my “trademark”.  It is the seal/stamp that when people see me, they will see what I represent.

The earth is here to help enhance who we are. Sometimes we aren’t sure,  and we see ourselves as nothing. So you need to be created from the dirt and rubble. That’s okay:

The best produce form from a mixture of dirt and water.

Strong Still Survives

There’s a saying about when you are the strong one. It goes something about the problem with being strong is that no one ever checks on you. I know, that’s not the correct wording.

I am a living testimony for it. I do see strong as one of top-tier characteristics! I am able to have someone’s back and be their front-runner when they don’t see  a way. I don’t mind. One of  the “bacics. instructions. before. leaving. earth” is that to be considered a friend, you have to become friendly.

I have been down this long, winding, ever-turning to turmoil road, and I didn’t think that I would be able to come out of here with the load I was carrying. I didn’t have a chance to sit back and talk to many because I had to get things  done. But not once, no not ONCE, did I think I would have to deal & heal alone.

I was reminded of a few old lessons that I thought I learned. I guess I hadn’t. I guess I needed to have a moment this day to reflect on the last 2 weeks of my life and see that I can handle what is thrown my  way. Some of it I had to deflect; some of it I even dodged. But the “stuff” that came right on me and hit me right in the eyes and heart, I can cheerfully say that I handled it.

Test passed!